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A Little Bit of Paradise!

Canyon Lake Yacht Club consists of 270 enthusiastic members who love to enjoy the water. In fact, if there is one thing that ties us all together it is our love of the lake. We enjoy many activities that get us out on the water, as well as some awesome land-borne events that we do as a club.

If you love the lake and would like to hang out with others who love to get out on the water, we'd love to have you join us. No boat required! Check out the pages of this website to get to know us a little better, and then join us via our membership pageWe'd like to get to know you and help you make lifelong friends who share the same interests. We invite you to be part of the Canyon Lake Yacht Club and enjoy "a little bit of paradise!"

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Volunteers Needed for Upcoming Clinic!

We need volunteers to offer their boat and co-captain for this event!

Come and help get new folks out to enjoy the lake.

CLYC Deckhand of the Month!

Aye, Aye Mates!!!! Anchors aweigh…All hands-on deck!

When our Commodore, Rob Mora, took over the helm in January, he told us to get our sea legs ready as he began to navigate us in the direction that our prior Commodore saw on the horizon. As we set sail, he battened down the hatches and began to focus on a better way to navigate our deckhands through a website that could not only host activities and other announcements, but also provide additional features that would make it easier to safely sail the following seas [lake] for the upcoming year. Although we were pretty even keeled, we needed to make sure we were squared-riffed and squared away and wanted to have, among other things, our activities highlighted, announce volunteer opportunities, advertise, and sell our merchandise and collect dues in one convenient location.

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So mates, do NOT be caught dead in the water over the next year! As we cast off, look for opportunities as to how you can be our Deckhand of the Month! The Canyon Lake Yacht Club will be on the crow’s nest looking for that deck hand that goes the extra mile and guides us towards our destination. We have our map above but are always open to veering new courses too! Feel the talk of the boat and set your destination(s) and let us showcase you…. 

CLYC March 2024
Deckhand of the Month!


We are excited to share the next CLYC Deckhands of the Month!


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Photo taken by Lynette Rodriguez

When it comes to taking a boat out for a cruise day or night both Ron & Faye Wilbur continue to show how much they love boating on the lake. During the month of March, Ron & Faye attended our clinic “How to Get Your Boat Ready for the Season” to offer suggestions to other Canyon Lakers on how to make the boating season terrific. The first of the Club’s cruises was very chilly but Ron and Faye bundled up (including their dog, Ginger) to attend and help lead the cruise. Rain or shine, wind or flood the Wilbers live for the water and help others  enjoy life on the lake. We are excited to be able to have them as members of the CLYC. We hope that all of you have put the  on your compass [favorites] and check it regularly because it will be the source of all information regarding everything that we are doing and planning plus a way to also become our next Deckhand of the Month.

To show our appreciation for their dedication & continued efforts to promote the club the CLYC board members unanimously voted that these two demonstrated the traits of a good Sailor/Deckhand! The two were treated to dinner and drinks at the Lighthouse Restaurant & Bar and were accompanied by Commodore Rob Mora, Vice Commodore Dave Carter, Purser Lynette Rodriguez & Membership Chair Cindy Silk Gonzalez on April 10, 2024.


While enjoying dinner, the board members asked Ron & Faye a few questions to help the club get to know them a little better. This new segment is what we are calling “The Sailor Six”:

Q: How long have you lived in Canyon Lake?

A: 7 years.

Q: How long have you been a member of the CL Yacht Club?

A: 7 years.

Q: If you were stranded on an island, where would want to be?

A:  Kauai.

Q: What YC event do you look forward to the most?

A: Parade of Lights. This year will the 43rd annual.

Q: Favorite water activity?

A: Moonlight Cruise.

Q: Does your boat have a name? If not, would you call it?

A: So Far So Good.

Who will be our CLYC April Deckhand of the Month? Rumors have it that sailors tend to be predominantly realistic individuals, so we are looking for our sailor(s) that have contributed to the club by working outdoors and/or applying themselves to a hands-on project. Check out our website and see how this can be YOU!


Upcoming Events & Activities

Canyon Lake Celebrates the Opening Day of Boating Season

April 6, 2024

CANYON LAKE, California – On an absolutely picture-perfect day the Canyon Lake Yacht Club officiated the Opening Day of Boating Season and Blessing of the Boats as over 120 people participated in the event. The short ceremony April 6, 2024, signaled the official beginning of the boating season in Canyon Lake, California.


Commodore Rob Mora of the Canyon Lake Yacht Club opened the event with welcoming remarks, followed by an honor guard from local Boy Scout Troop 2011 presenting our nation’s colors for the National Anthem performed by solo artist Aprile DeAnne McKinnon and the Pledge of Allegiance by the Boy Scout Troop 2011.


Representing the City of Canyon Lake, Mayor Dale Welty offered a few remarks and a friendly reminder for all boaters to continue to be safe and look out for one another.


Representing the Canyon Lake Property Owners Association, Secretary Joe Karnashian noted the Yacht Club’s many community efforts, lake cleanup days, promotion of safe boating and of course, production of the popular annual holiday Parade of Lights, the oldest lighted boat parade in the Inland Empire.


Pastor Thor Ramsey provided a message of belief and trust to all the guest in participation including an individual blessing to each boat that passed the dock.


The Yacht Club welcomed guests Staff Commodore Bruce Davis Rick & Jean Tobin from Shoreline Yacht Club of Long Beach to extend their greetings and well wishes. In the tradition of visiting yacht clubs, Commodore Rob gave Canyon Lake Yacht Club burgee to Shoreline Yacht Club Staff Commodore Bruce Davis and Rick Tobin, after which the two guests reciprocated with a gift of a Shoreline YC burgee.


At the end of the ceremony the Shoreline Yacht Club guests unveiled their club’s signal cannon, brought to help Canyon Lake celebrate Opening Day. In opening day ceremonies in virtually every boating city, yacht clubs blast a signal cannon, maintaining a tradition that began when cannon blasts were used to crack ice on spring harbors so that boats could navigate after the event. With three mighty blasts of the cannon the lake was declared officially open by Commodore Rob Mora.


With all the recent rain the causeway tunnel would not allow for some boats to clear the tunnel so many attended the experience from the shore. Nearly 20 boats then lined up and paraded past the viewing stand where Pastor Thor Ramsey extended a benediction blessing. Commodore Rob saluted each boat indicating that it had passed inspection and was clear to cruise on the lake.


Yacht Club member Jim Lang led the boats in a slow lap around the lake with numerous folks enjoying the beautiful weather from the lodge or main causeway.

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